Is your Chicago home’s plumbing system operating as efficiently as it could be? Often, homeowners overlook the signs that suggest it’s time to consider plumbing upgrades. Not only can these improvements enhance your home’s functionality, but they can also contribute to significant cost savings in the long run. Upgrading your home’s plumbing system doesn’t always mean a complete overhaul. Small, strategic changes can have a big impact on your overall utility costs and the longevity of your plumbing system.

Let’s face it: utility prices aren’t going down any time soon, and the best approach is to ensure that our homes are as efficient as possible. We specialize in helping homeowners like you to identify potential upgrades that can maximize efficiency while being mindful of costs. Whether you’re dealing with frequent clogs, rising water bills, or outdated fixtures, certain upgrades might not just be beneficial—they could be essential.

Adopting new plumbing technologies or updating older systems can dramatically increase your home’s water and energy efficiency. But when do you start making these changes, and what kind of upgrades should you consider? Keep reading as we explore some top plumbing enhancements that not only improve your home’s functionality but are also gentle on your wallet. These improvements can pave the way for a smoother, more efficient home environment.

Identifying the Need for Plumbing Upgrades in Your Home

How do you know if your Chicago home is due for plumbing upgrades? One tell-tale sign is an increase in your water bills, which often suggests leaks or inefficiency in your system. Frequent clogs and slow drains can also indicate that your pipes may be nearing the end of their service life or are being affected by built-up debris, which can reduce the overall efficiency of your drainage system.

Moreover, if you’re noticing a drop in water pressure throughout your home, this could be a signal of corroded pipes or sediment buildup that is restricting water flow. Older homes with original plumbing are particularly susceptible to these issues. Additionally, if you ever experience rusty water coming from your taps, it’s a strong indication that the deterioration inside your pipes has reached a point where replacement is advisable. Assessment by a professional can determine if upgrading certain sections or the entire system is necessary for improved functionality and safety.

Top Cost-Effective Plumbing Upgrades for Savings and Efficiency

Investing in cost-effective plumbing upgrades can yield significant savings on your utility bills and contribute to more sustainable living practices. Here are some top upgrades to consider:

1. Low-Flow Fixtures: Replacing faucets, showerheads, and toilets with low-flow models can reduce your home’s water consumption significantly. These fixtures are designed to use less water per minute without sacrificing performance, which can cut down your water utility bills and conserve a valuable resource.

2. Tankless Water Heaters: Unlike traditional water heaters that constantly heat and reheat water, tankless water heaters provide hot water on demand. This upgrade not only saves on energy costs but also ensures you never run out of hot water.

3. Advanced Pipe Materials: Modern plumbing systems utilize materials like cross-linked polyethylene (PEX). PEX piping is flexible, resistant to scale and chlorine, doesn’t corrode, and has a longer lifespan than copper piping. Installing PEX can improve water quality and reduce maintenance needs over time.

4. Water Leak Detectors: Installing smart water leak detectors provides real-time monitoring of your plumbing system. These devices can alert you to leaks and potential issues via smartphone notifications before they result in costly damage, helping to manage water usage effectively.

By considering these upgrades, homeowners can not only enhance their plumbing systems but also contribute positively to the environment and their own financial well-being. Taking proactive steps now can prevent more cost-intensive issues later on.

Step-by-Step Guide to Installing a Water-Saving Toilet

Installing a water-saving toilet is one of the most impactful ways we can help you save water in your Chicago home. These toilets use significantly less water per flush compared to traditional models, which not only conserves water but also reduces your monthly water bills. Here’s how you can install a water-saving toilet step by step:

First, ensure the water supply to the existing toilet is turned off. Next, flush the toilet to drain the tank and bowl. Use a sponge to mop up any remaining water. Disconnect the water supply line, and then unbolt the floor bolts that secure the toilet base. Once removed, lift the old toilet and set it aside. Place the new wax seal on the flange, ensuring it’s positioned properly for a snug fit.

Position the new toilet over the flange, aligning the holes in the base with the bolts. Press down firmly to set the wax seal, attach the washers and nuts to the bolts, and tighten them gently to secure the toilet. Reconnect the water supply line and open the valve to fill the tank. Check for leaks around the base and the supply line. Finally, perform a few flush tests to ensure everything functions correctly. Installing a water-saving toilet is straightforward, but precise steps are crucial for a successful setup.

Step-by-Step Guide to Installing a Water-Saving Toilet

Installing a water-saving toilet is one of the most impactful ways we can help you save water in your Chicago home. These toilets use significantly less water per flush compared to traditional models, which not only conserves water but also reduces your monthly water bills. Here’s how you can install a water-saving toilet step by step:

First, ensure the water supply to the existing toilet is turned off. Next, flush the toilet to drain the tank and bowl. Use a sponge to mop up any remaining water. Disconnect the water supply line, and then unbolt the floor bolts that secure the toilet base. Once removed, lift the old toilet and set it aside. Place the new wax seal on the flange, ensuring it’s positioned properly for a snug fit.

Position the new toilet over the flange, aligning the holes in the base with the bolts. Press down firmly to set the wax seal, attach the washers and nuts to the bolts, and tighten them gently to secure the toilet. Reconnect the water supply line and open the valve to fill the tank. Check for leaks around the base and the supply line. Finally, perform a few flush tests to ensure everything functions correctly. Installing a water-saving toilet is straightforward, but precise steps are crucial for a successful setup.

When to Call in the Professionals for Plumbing Upgrades

While many plumbing upgrades can be DIY projects, there are times when it’s best to call in professionals like us. Major projects such as pipe rerouting, sewer line repairs, or installations that require building permits are typically complex and require the expertise of a licensed plumber.

For instance, if you’re considering a tankless water heater installation or need to upgrade your home’s main sewer line, these are critical tasks that benefit from professional handling to ensure safety and compliance with local plumbing codes. Professional plumbers have the tools, knowledge, and experience to manage these projects efficiently, ensuring that everything is installed or repaired according to the highest industry standards.

Remember, incorrect installations can lead to more significant issues down the road, including severe water damage and costly repairs. When in doubt, or if the project involves substantial changes to your home’s existing plumbing system, give us a call. We’re equipped to handle the complexities of the job, ensuring your peace of mind.


Upgrading your home’s plumbing system is not only an investment in efficiency but also an improvement in your everyday life quality. Whether it’s installing water-saving fixtures or updating old pipes, these changes can lead to significant cost savings and a more eco-friendly home. At Chicago Sewer Experts, we understand the importance of a well-maintained plumbing system and are here to help with every step—from deciding on the right upgrades to professional installation.

If you’re considering plumbing upgrades for your Chicago home and want it done right, get in touch with our residential plumbing contractors today. Let us handle the complications, ensuring you receive the most benefits from your plumbing investments.